Saturday, October 30, 2010

Diseases Carried By Pets


By James Witherspoon

Owning a pet can be a great source of enjoyment for a child and a fun way to learn responsibility. Pocket pets like rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs can make great first pets for a child. Not only are these pets cute and enjoyable to own, they also can live in a number of different environments. Whether you have a large home in an rural area, or live in a smaller, urban setting, these pets can thrive and live enjoyable lives in either setting. But like every pet, there are some risks associated with pocket pets.
Mice and guinea pigs are fun pets because the can safely be handled and interacted with, even by children. But like every animal it is important to make sure your child's pet is healthy and safe to handle. Wild mice and guinea pigs have been found to be carriers of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and can transfer this disease to domesticated animals and people as well. LCMV can lead to influenza-like symptoms in people and can be very harmful to a person's health.
Though domesticate rodents are not often carriers of this disease, the disease can easily be transferred from one rodent to another if they are exposed. Exposure can occur in breeding facilities or pet stores and can be brought into your home. This disease can be transferred to a person through exposure to urine, droppings or saliva. Most commonly this occurs during the cleaning of a pet's cage.
If you or someone you love has contracted LCMV through contact with a pet, you need experienced legal aid to help you determine who may be at fault.
For more information concerning pet-transferred illnesses, please visit the website of the Rhinelander pet injury lawyers at Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C..
James Witherspoon

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